Lower Extremity Pain in Static Standing Worker

  • Anne Fitriyana Jayanegara Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Departement of Community Medicine, Magister of Occupational Medicine, Jakarta
  • Astrid W. Sulistomo Ilmu Kedokteran Komunitas, Magister Kedokteran Kerja Fakultas Kedokteran, Jakarta
Kata Kunci: Static standing, Leg pain, Cashier


Introduction : Working with standing posture for long periods cancause musculoskeletal disorders in the limbs, especially lower leg. Cashier and SPG are workers who spent most of their working time with standing posture. This study aims to know the incidence of lower leg pain at the cashier and SPG. Methods : The study was conducted using cohort study design and simple random sampling with 3 hours observation time. Respondents were female cashier and SPG who worked with standing posture at work. Results : Several variables were associated significantly (p less than 0.05) with lower leg pain. Those were varicose veins, wearing high heels, posture at work, and the type of work. Manhours for respondents working in the standing posture, static posture and dynamic posture were 16: 25: 8 in 100 hours, respectively. From the multivariate analysis, respondents who worked with static standing posture had a chance of having lower leg pain by 6.31 times (95% CI: 2.924 to 13.595). Respondents who worked in high heeled shoes greater than 5 cm had 2.78 times (95% CI: 1.296 to 5.978) chance of having lower leg pain than respondents who wore high heeled shoes less than 5 cm. There was 59.5% incidence of lower limb pain in workers with a static standing posture. Discussion : Posture at work was the most dominant associated variable with the incidence of lower limb pain in female workers at Superstore X Bandar Lampung. The workers are encouraged to work with dynamic standing posture and use high heeled shoes with lessthan 5 cm.


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