Journal Of The Indonesian Medical Association 2024-09-10T14:30:16+07:00 Evi Suprapti, Amd.RS, S.E Open Journal Systems <p>Journal Of The Indonesian Medical Association (JInMA) atau Majalah Kedokteran Indonesia (MKI) merupakan jurnal ilmiah kedokteran yang berada dibawah naungan Pengurus Besar Ikatan Dokter Indonesia (PB IDI) dan jurnal terakreditasi Kemenristek DIKTI.&nbsp;</p> <p>MKI JInMA memuat beberapa tipe artikel yaitu artikel penelitian, laporan kasus,<em> evidence-based case reports</em> (EBCR), tinjauan pustaka, dan editorial.</p> <p>MKI JInMA saat ini terbit dengan frekuensi per dua bulan.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> A Pontesial of Topical and Oral Astaxanthin in Inhibiting The Skin Aging Process 2024-09-10T14:30:00+07:00 Wilianto Wilianto Ni Made Linawati <p><em>Indonesia is an archipelagic country located in an area crossed by the equator and only knows the summer and rainy seasons. Between these seasons there is a transition season. Throughout the year Indonesia experiences the heat of the sun and on some islands the exposure to sunlight is greater. This can accelerate the process of skin aging or skin aging which is usually characterized by wrinkles, the appearance of black spots or lentigo, the skin becomes dry and other signs.</em></p> 2024-07-06T13:10:55+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Of The Indonesian Medical Association Relationship between Prostate Volume and Risk of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH) Patients After Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP): An Observational Study 2024-09-10T14:29:44+07:00 Besut Daryanto Maghfirah Nur Afifah Taufiq Nur Budaya <p><em><strong>Introduction:</strong> Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH) is an enlarged prostate gland that causes problems in micturition and results in disruption of urine flow. Factors that cause prostate enlargement from a combination of chronic and progressive urine retention, high bladder pressure and ureterohydronephrosis can cause progressive kidney injury. The obstructive process changes the cells and physiological conditions in the bladder muscle and collagen contributes to increasing bladder pressure and the inability to empty the bladder and ends up causing kidney failure. This study was to determine the prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in BPH patients undergoing transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) surgery.</em><br><em><strong>Method:</strong> Using non-probability sampling method with consecutive sampling technique. Data were analyzed by univariate analysis using data frequency tables and bivariate analysis using the chi-square test.</em><br><em><strong>Result</strong>: Of the total 178 BPH patients, 15 of them suffered from CKD (8.4%). BPH prevalence was highest in the age category 61-70 (39.3%), the majority had prostate volume greater than 50 ml (59%), the most common symptoms were severe lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) (83.1%) and urine retention (74.7%), some of them were accompanied by comorbidities such as hypertension (33.7%). The most common indication for surgery in patients who underwent TURP was recurrent retention (79.2%). The chi-square test showed an association between BPH and the incidence of CKD.</em><br><em><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The prevalence of CKD at all stages in BPH patients who underwent TURP surgery was 8.4%. The most influential factors for the occurrence of CKD in BPH patients are prostate volume 30-40 ml, prostate volume 41-50 ml, and men aged 71-80 years.</em></p> 2024-07-06T13:11:24+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Of The Indonesian Medical Association Content Analysis of Depression Associated YouTube® Videos in Indonesian Language 2024-09-10T14:29:28+07:00 Dicky Sanjaya Widodo Sarjana Alifiati Fitrikasari Sri Woroasih <p><em><strong>Introduction:</strong> Nowadays, mental health literacy through internet videos, such as YouTube<sup>®</sup>, plays an important role for individuals experiencing depression. However, the majority of YouTube<sup>®</sup> videos related to depression are generally in English. This study aims to provide an overview of Indonesian-language YouTube<sup>®</sup> videos related to depression.</em><br><em><strong>Methods:</strong> The keyword “depression” is entered into the YouTube<sup>®</sup> search engine, and based on the highest number of views, the top 100 videos are selected for analysis regarding the characteristics of the videos and various information related to depression. This includes causes of depression, symptoms of depression, prevention/therapy of depression, recovery from depression, and sources of information about depression. Each characteristic will be compared based on the number of views, likes or dislikes, and number of comments. </em><br><em><strong>Results:</strong> Only 10% of Indonesian-language videos with the keyword “depression” are uploaded by professional channels, and 6.57% of the videos are sourced from professionals. Most videos do not provide information about prevention or therapy (57%) and the recovery from depression (78%). The majority of the videos mention that depression is caused by life stress (49%) with symptoms of suicidal thoughts (39%) and sadness (25%). However, only 16% of the videos state that depression can be treated or prevented with professional consultation. </em><br><em><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Depression literacy through Indonesian-language YouTube<sup>®</sup> videos is still lacking. There is a need for YouTube<sup>®</sup> videos that provide information about depression, come from professional sources, and include encouragement to seek professional help.</em></p> 2024-07-06T13:12:01+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Of The Indonesian Medical Association Testosterone Induced Wistar Rat Model for Gut Microbiota Dysbiosis of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Research 2024-09-10T14:29:12+07:00 Vannya Dewi Puspitasari Endang Sri Lestari Noor Pramono <p><em><strong>Introduction:</strong> Gut microbiota modification based on dysbiosis of gut microbiota dysbiosis (DOGMA) theory may provide a new therapy approach in polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Research of this new therapy needs a suitable animal model thus this study was aimed to investigate whether Wistar rats that were injected by testosterone propionate (TP) could induce both PCOS and gut microbiota dysbiosis condition.</em><br><em><strong>Methods:</strong> Design of this study was post-test only control group design randomized control trial. Wistar rats were divided into two groups: control and TP. Blood, faecal and ovarian tissue sampling also vaginal smear were obtained after 28 days of TP injection.</em><br><em><strong>Results:</strong> TP group had testosterone concentration, preantral follicle and fasting blood glucose concentration higher than control group (p=0.047, p=0.018, p=0.032). Fasting insulin, HOMA-IR value, serum zonulin level, TNF-α concentration and gut microbiota diversity were not significantly different.</em><br><em><strong>Conclusion:</strong> TP injection intramuscularly (10 mg/kgBW) for 28 days succeeded to induce PCOS and hyperglycaemia in Wistar rat but was failed to induce insulin resistance, low grade inflammation, impaired gut permeability, and gut microbiota dysbiosis thus it’s not suitable as animal model for gut microbiota dysbiosis research in PCOS.</em></p> 2024-07-06T13:12:30+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Of The Indonesian Medical Association Rationality of Antibiotic Use for Treatment of Pediatric Typhoid Fever at RSUD Cut Meutia North Aceh 2022 2024-09-10T14:30:16+07:00 Yuziani Yuziani Adri Adri Mardiati Mardiati <p><em><strong>Introduction:</strong> Typhoid fever is a systemic disease caused by bacterial infection, so rational use of antibiotics is important in the treatment of typhoid fever to support effectiveness and prevent antibiotic resistance. The aim of this study was to assess the rationality of antibiotic use in pediatric typhoid fever patients at the Cut Meutia Regional General Hospital, North Aceh using the Gyssens method based on IDAI and Ministry of Health guidelines.</em><br><em><strong>Method:</strong> This research is descriptive. Samples were taken using purposive sampling technique and time limited sampling method. The samples in this study were medical records of pediatric typhoid fever patients in the inpatient room of Cut Meutia Hospital, North Aceh 2022.</em><br><em><strong>Results:</strong> The results obtained ceftriaxone as the most commonly administered antibiotic, followed by cefixime, and quinolones. For rationality, there was ceftriaxone classified as category 0 as much as 4,4%, Category II A in ceftriaxone and cefixime as much as 17,5%, category II B in ceftriaxone as much as 0,6%, category III B in ceftriaxone and cefixime as much as 51,2%, category IV B in quinolones as much as 6,9%, and category VI in incomplete medical records as much as 19,4%.</em><br><em><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The conclusion of this study is that the most frequently used antibiotic is ceftriaxone, while the level of rationality indicates a significant proportion of irrational use.</em></p> 2024-07-06T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Of The Indonesian Medical Association Post-Menopausal Women with Pseudocyesis in Rural Areas: A Socio-Cultural Perspective 2024-09-10T14:28:56+07:00 I Made Wikrama Resindra Jessica Gloria Mogi Rivo Mario Warouw Lintuuran <p><em><strong>Introduction:</strong> Pseudocyesis originates from the Greek language, consisting of 2 syllables, namely: Pseudo (false) and Kyesis (pregnancy). Pseudocyesis is a mental health condition where the affected individual believes they are pregnant, accompanied by signs and symptoms of pregnancy. The Kei society adheres to a patrilineal kinship system and has preserved customary laws handed down through generations known as “Larvul Ngabal”. These customary laws regulate several aspects of life including marriage and descent.</em><br><em><strong>Case Report:</strong> A 60-year-old woman came to the outpatient clinic to checked her pregnancy. The patient stated that for the past 2 months, her abdomen had been growing larger and she felt fetal movements inside. Obstetric examination and supporting tests did not reveal the presence of a fetus. The patient was educated that she was not pregnant, but she remained convinced that she was pregnant.</em><br><em><strong>Case Discussion:</strong> This patient has already entered post-menopausal age and has been married for the second time. The patient and her husband desire to have a male child. The Kei society adheres to a patrilineal system, where a male child is hoped to continue or strengthen the paternal lineage. However, the patient currently does not have any offspring. Therefore, this situation may have an impact on her condition.</em><br><em><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Pseudocyesis reflects somatization disorder in the patient due to the unfulfilled desire to have offspring. This condition can be influenced by several factors including socio-cultural ones.</em></p> 2024-07-06T13:13:14+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Of The Indonesian Medical Association Diagnosis And Treatment of Wernicke--Korsakoff Syndrome 2024-09-10T14:28:39+07:00 Agustiawan Agustiawan Feby Purnama <p><em>Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome is a common complication of thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency. The prevalence of Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome (WKS) worldwide is 0-2%, especially in the homeless, elderly, and psychiatric patients. Individuals with malnutrition due to any cause are at risk for developing WKS. The most common social factor associated with WKS is chronic alcohol abuse. Ethanol has been shown to interfere with thiamine absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. The syndrome is classically described as a clinical triad consisting of altered mental status (confusion or dementia), nystagmus (or ophthalmoplegia), and ataxia. The diagnosis of WKS is based on the history and clinical findings supplemented by laboratory and radiological examinations. Treatment of thiamine deficiency in patients suspected of having Wernicke’s is intravenous injection of thiamine 500 mg infused over 30 minutes. The drug is given three times daily for two days. Thereafter, transition to 250 mg either intravenously or intramuscularly once daily for 5 days.</em></p> 2024-07-06T13:13:37+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Of The Indonesian Medical Association