The Difference of Quadriceps Strengthening Excercise Influence to Lower Extremity Fat Free Mass and Quadriceps Muscle Osteothritis Patient With Lower and Higher Physical Activity Level

  • Susan Salsabila Department of Physical Medicine Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung
  • Marina Annette Moeliono Department of Physical Medicine Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung
  • Sunaryo Barki Sastradimadja Department of Physical Medicine Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung
  • Dwi Agustian Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung
Keywords: Knee osteoarthritis, Quadricep muscle strengthening exercise, Lower oxtremity fat free mass, Quadriceps muscle strength


Introduction : More than in any other joint, osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee is a major cause of pain and disability. Quality of the lower limb muscles, whichis made up of lower extremity muscle mass and muscle strength of the quadriceps, is a risk factor for knee OA. Lower extremity fat-free mass (LE-FFM) represents lower extremity muscle mass. Physical activity level is a factor that affects LE-FFM and quadriceps muscle strength. Quadriceps muscle strengthening exercises can improve LE-FFM and quadriceps muscle strength. Methods : Forty two women with knee OA participated in this study. Interviews were conducted to obtain data about subjectscharacteristics, physical activity level and energy intake by recall 2 x 24 hours method. Measurement of LE-FFM used segmental multifrequency Bio-Impedance Analyzer (BIA) Tanita MC180 and quadriceps muscle strength used anisometric dynamometer BASELINE®. Evaluation was conducted before and after quadriceps muscle strengthening exercises [three times a week] for 8 weeks. Results : Quadriceps muscle strengthening exercises do not increase LE-FFM, but increasequadriceps muscle strength significantly (p=0,00) at a low level of physical activity also at high level physical activity. The difference of change in LE-FFM between the low level and high level physical activity is not different, but signific antly different for quadriceps muscle strength of the left extremity (p = 0.01) or right (p extremity= 0.04). Conclusion : LE-FFM changes between high and low physical activityis not different, whereas quadriceps muscle strength changes is different.


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How to Cite
Salsabila, S., Moeliono, M. A., Sastradimadja, S. B., & Agustian, D. (2019). The Difference of Quadriceps Strengthening Excercise Influence to Lower Extremity Fat Free Mass and Quadriceps Muscle Osteothritis Patient With Lower and Higher Physical Activity Level. Journal Of The Indonesian Medical Association, 68(4), 161-166.
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