Management of Cough Variant Asthma

  • Muhammad Bimo Adi Wicaksono Department of Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine, Universitas Indonesia - Persahabatan Hospital
  • Faisal Yunus Department of Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine, Universitas Indonesia - Persahabatan Hospital
Keywords: Asthma, Cough, Phenotype, Hyperresponsiveness


Cough is one of the innate primitive reflexes that is part of the immune system to protect the body from foreign substances. Cough is a manifestation of symptom found in various lung diseases, both infectious and non-infectious lung diseases. Cough variant asthma is a phenotype of asthma with the only symptom of cough. In cough variant asthma, airway (bronchial) hyperresponsiveness is found without abnormalities in pulmonary function tests. Airway hyperresponsiveness is assessed from the bronchial provocation test by measuring provocation dose (PD20) or provocation concentration (PC20). Management of cough variant asthma is no different from classic asthma, which are inhalation of bronchodilators and corticosteroids. Partial response to inhalation therapy can be reversed by changing the treatment regimen, increasing the inhaled dose, or adding other drugs such as long-acting β2 agonists, sustained-release theophylline or leukotriene receptor antagonist (LTRA).


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How to Cite
Wicaksono, M. B. A., & Yunus, F. (2024). Management of Cough Variant Asthma. Journal Of The Indonesian Medical Association, 74(1), 41 - 46.
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