Association between Workshift Pattern (2 Shift and 3 Shift) withSleep Quality in Nurses at Two Military Hospitals – Jakarta(A Study Using PSQI Quesionner)

  • Andriarto Nugroho Department of Occupational Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta
  • Astrid Sulistomo Department of Occupational Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta
  • Ambar W Roestam Department of Occupational Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta
Keywords: Workshift pattern, Sleep quality, Nurse, PSQI


Introduction : Nurses at hospital are at risk getting sleep quality disorder. Previous study in 2012 in Salatiga and Semarang showed that 52.6% nurses suffers sleep quality disorder. The aim of this research are to know the association betwen workshift pattern and the prevalence of sleep quality disorder among nurses at two military hospitals in Jakarta. Method : The design of this research is compartive cross sectional which involved 183 nurses from two military hospitals, consists of 83 respondents from hospital which apply workshift pattern 2 shifts perday and 100 respondens from hospital which apply workshift pattern 3 shifts perday. Interview was taken to seek the employee characteristics and job characteristics data. Assesment of sleep quality using quesioner from Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index which has been validated. Result : Prevalence of sleep quality disorder is 52.5%. In group with 2 workshift perday the prevalence is 63,9% and group with 3 workshift perday the prevalence is 43%. From analitic test, it can be conclude that there is significant connection between workshift pattern with sleep quality adjusted OR= 3.09 (95%CI1.44 -6.62). Marital Status conclude that there is significant connection between marital status with sleep quality ORadj= 5.58 (95%CI 2.08 – 14.93). Period of working conclude that there is significant connection between period of working with sleep quality ORadj= 3.78 (95%CI 1.73 – 8.23). Conclusion : There is an association between workshift pattern and sleep quality disorder. The other factors are marital status and period of working. Suggestions to hospital is changes workshift pattern into 3 times perday. Education about working well and socialisation of sleep hygiene and also add special room for nurse to relax


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How to Cite
Nugroho, A., Sulistomo, A., & Roestam, A. W. (2019). Association between Workshift Pattern (2 Shift and 3 Shift) withSleep Quality in Nurses at Two Military Hospitals – Jakarta(A Study Using PSQI Quesionner) . Journal Of The Indonesian Medical Association, 68(1), 18-26.
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