Efek Latihan Retrowalking terhadap Kekuatan Otot Quadriceps pada Individu dengan Obesitas
Introduction: The consensus within the literature show that obese individuals have reduced maximum quadriceps muscle strength relative to body mass ascompared to non-obese individuals. These effects were shown to increase therisk of developing osteoarthritis, balance impairment, and potentially cause functional limitations. Retrowalking training programs have beenfound to in-crease quadriceps strength. The aim of this study is to examinethe effect ofretrowalking on Quadriceps strength in obese individuals.
Methods: This study recruited healthy subjects withgrade I obesity at Reha-bilitation Departemen, RSCM- Jakarta. The subjects performed retrowalking training for 4 weeks (2 sessions/week, 15 min/session). Quadriceps strengthwas examined by one single examiner with handheld dynamometer inseveraltime intervals until training is completed (pretest, 2th week, 4th week). To ana-lyze the data and test the hypotheses, paired t-test was used.
Result: Seven, obese grade I individuals were recruited in thisstudy. Theirmean age was 29,57±2,94 years old and Body Mass Index was 26,47±0,8. The Quadriceps strength improved significantly at the end of 2th week (D = +3,04,p less than 0,001) and 4th week (D = +5,59, p less than 0,001) as compared with their pretreat-ment values. There is no adverse effect that was reported during the wholecourse of training.
Conclusion: a 2 weeks and 4 weeks retrowalking training is proven to be aneffective quadriceps strenghtening for obese individuals. Simultaneously, retrowalking training is a safe exercise to be performed.