Lipid Serum Levels In Diabetic Wistar Rats After Treatment Of White Turmeric Extract

  • Fiska Maya Wardhani Faculty of Medicine, Prima Indonesia University, Indonesia
  • Fachrul Azmi Tanjung Faculty of Medicine, Prima Indonesia University, Indonesia
Keywords: Cholesterol, Diabetes Mellitus, Triglyserides, White Turmeric


Introduction: Diabetes and obesity are health problems that affect human life from health, social and economic perspective. Complications caused by diabetes are metabolic problems and lead to diabetic nephropathy. White turmeric rhizome (Curcuma zedoaria) has benefits including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative, anticancer, and antimicrobial. Objective: This study is to determine the effect of white turmeric rhizome extract on blood lipids in Wistar rats with diabetic nephropathy.

Methods: This research is an experimental study with post-test only control group design, and took place in Pharmacological Laboratory of Pharmacy Faculty, Histological Laboratory of Medical Faculty of Universitas Sumatera Utara and Biomolecular Laboratory of Universitas Prima Indonesia on Apirl until September 2020.

Results: Wistar male white rats were divided into six groups; namely the normal control group (P1), the negative control group (P2), the positive control group (P3), and three groups treated with white turmeric each with dose of P4 = 100, P5 = 200, P6 = 400 mg / kgBW which previously induced by alloxan. Data was analyzed using One Way Anova test, which has significance in group given 100 mg/BW white turmeric extract.

Conclusions: In conclusion, white turmeric extract can be used to stabilize serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels in diabetic nephropathy rats.


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How to Cite
Wardhani, F. M., & Tanjung, F. A. (2021). Lipid Serum Levels In Diabetic Wistar Rats After Treatment Of White Turmeric Extract. Journal Of The Indonesian Medical Association, 71(3), 116-123.
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