Determinant Analysis of Career Choices for Internsip Doctors in DKI Jakarta Province
Introduction: Research on the motivation to choose medicine as a profession and future career plans as a doctor are very important for policy makers and educators. The study of doctor’s career choice has been carried out in many countries so that it can provide an overview of the proportion of career choices from various perspectives. Objective: Analyzing career choices and determinants of career choice for internship doctors in DKI Jakarta Province.
Methods: This research is a quantitative study using a descriptive observational design that is a cross-sectional study. This research was conducted on Internship Doctors in DKI Jakarta Province in 2020 with a sample of the study was the Internship Doctors of DKI Jakarta Province Batch III, totaling 154 people. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to determine the relationship between the career choice of interns and the determinants of career choice.
Results: The results of the study found that 77.3% of internships chose a career as a specialist and only 16.2% were general practitioners. As many as 72.1% of internship doctors chose to work in hospitals and only 5.2% at Puskesmas. The results of the bivariate analysis with the chi-square test showed that the choice of place of work, prospect income, economic and professional work had a significant relationship with the career choice of an internship doctor. The results of multivariate analysis with multinominal logistic regression test showed that there were several independent variables that had a statistically significant relationship to the internship doctor’s career choice, including gender, university origin, place of work, income, lifestyle and family demands.
Conclusions: There are more external determinants that are significantly related to the doctor’s career choice than the internal determinants.