The Relationship of Whole Body Vibration with Low Back Pain Incidence of Online Ojek Drivers

  • Tena Djuartina Faculty of Medicine, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia
  • Anthony Yauwono Faculty of Medicine, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia
  • Robi Irawan Faculty of Medicine, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia
  • Andreas Steven Faculty of Medicine, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia
Keywords: Low back pain, Whole body vibration


Introduction: Low back pain is a condition characterized by pain and stiffness on lumbosacral region. Whole body vibration is a mechanical vibration transmitted to whole body. Whole body vibration is a risk factor for low back pain. To determine the relationship of whole body vibration with low back pain.
Method: Using cross-sectional method for 27 online ojek driver in Jakarta. Respondent filled the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (NMQ). Vibration from the motorcycle measured with smartphone application. Data analysis using Fisher Exact test.
Result: There are seven respondent with LBP and vibration exceeding ELV, four respondent with LBP and vibration not exceeding ELV, four respondent without LBP and vibration not exceeding ELV and 12 respondent without LBP and vibration not exceeding ELV.
Conclusion: There is correlation between whole body vibration and low back pain.


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How to Cite
Djuartina, T., Yauwono, A., Irawan, R., & Steven, A. (2020). The Relationship of Whole Body Vibration with Low Back Pain Incidence of Online Ojek Drivers. Journal Of The Indonesian Medical Association, 70(10), 222-227.
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