Susceptibility Pattern of Candida krusei Jakarta Isolates to Fluconazole

  • Ayu Eka Fatril Magister of Biomedical Science Program, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, DKI Jakarta
  • Robiatul Adawiyah Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, DKI Jakarta
  • Retno Wahyuningsih Departement of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, DKI Jakarta
Keywords: Candida krusei, Disc diffusion test, Susceptible, Resistant


Introduction: Candida krusei inhabit the human body as saprophyte but can turn into pathogen and causes mycosis. Candida krusei usually primarily resistant to fluconazole but laboratory data in Jakarta has different results. We found fluconazole-susceptible isolates which encouraged us to do prospective studies using the different isolates of C. krusei.
Method: The study was conducted in 2019-2020 in the Laboratory of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia. The total of 15 C. krusei isolates were tested by disc diffusion method. Before being tested, the isolates were refreshed and purified to obtain a single colony.

Result: The isolates used, derived from many clinical samples i.e. stool, sputum, broncho-alveolar lavage (LAB) and one isolate isolated from lung abscess. The result of susceptibility test showed nine fluconazole-resistant isolates, one intermediate isolate and five fluconazole-susceptible isolates.

Conclusion: It can be concluded, in vitro, some Candida krusei isolates in Jakarta are susceptible to fluconazole.


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Author Biography

Ayu Eka Fatril, Magister of Biomedical Science Program, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, DKI Jakarta

Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, University Indonesia, DKI Jakarta

How to Cite
Fatril, A. E., Adawiyah, R., & Wahyuningsih, R. (2020). Susceptibility Pattern of Candida krusei Jakarta Isolates to Fluconazole. Journal Of The Indonesian Medical Association, 70(6), 110-114.
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