Thoracic Endometriosis in Right Diaphragm with Manifestation of Right Chest Pain and Right Pneumothorax

  • Tommy Dharmawan Department of Surgery Medistra Hospital, Jakarta Indonesia
  • Tania Maharani Chandra Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgery Teaching Program, Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia, Jakarta Indonesia
  • Andon Hestiantoro Department of Obstetric & Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia / Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta Indonesia
  • Agnes Stephanie Harahap Departmet of Phatology Anatomy Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia / Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta Indonesia
Keywords: thoracic endometriosis, chest pain, dyspnea, menstruation time, surgical plus hormonal therapy


Introduction: Thoracic endometriosis is a rare disease but could lead to morbidity and mortality. Early detection with prompt anamnesis and supporting examination may direct the best therapy and also increase the prognosis of patient.
Case report: On this case report, we presented a female patient with right chest pain and shortness of breath on menstruation time.
Discussion: From chest X-ray we found right pneumothorax and it led to chest tube placement on the right chest. The anamnesis supported the diagnosis of thoracic endometriosis and furthermore from CT scan we found lesion on the right diaphragm. So, we proceeded with minimal invasive surgery (video assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS)). Pathology anatomy examination revealed a true endometriosis lesion.
Conclusion: The operation went uneventful and then post operative we gave gonadotropin releasing hormone analog.


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Author Biography

Tommy Dharmawan, Department of Surgery Medistra Hospital, Jakarta Indonesia

Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgery Teaching Program, Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia, Jakarta Indonesia

Medical Staf Group of Surgery, University of Indonesia Hospital, Depok Indonesia

How to Cite
Dharmawan, T., Chandra, T. M., Hestiantoro, A., & Harahap, A. S. (2023). Thoracic Endometriosis in Right Diaphragm with Manifestation of Right Chest Pain and Right Pneumothorax. Journal Of The Indonesian Medical Association, 73(4), 199 - 205.
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